Our legal professionals are ready to help with your case.
We provide each client with well-reasoned legal advice and the best possible legal representation.
As attorneys we understand the value of your professional license. You have invested a lot of money and years of hard work into becoming licensed in your field. If you are accused of a violation, your professional license may be in jeopardy of suspension or revocation. Whether it be a criminal charge such as DUI, struggles with addiction, or other life struggles that have led to action against your licensure, we are here to help.
It is imperative that you speak with an attorney knowledgeable in licensure issues immediately upon learning you may charged with a crime — and before speaking with an investigator. While it may seem that an investigator just wants to have a friendly conversation with you, they are in fact gathering evidence against you.
Criminal defense and licensure issues go hand in hand. Our attorneys are experienced in both of those areas of the law. There are often reporting obligations for professionals charged with a crime to report that crime to the proper licensing authority in a certain amount of time. We have the knowledge, litigation skills, and advocacy skills necessary to put you in the best position to preserve your professional license.
Abom & Kutulakis represents licensees charged with gross negligence, repeated negligent acts, and unprofessional conduct. We will represent you during the investigation stage, through settlement negotiation, and during the formal Administrative Law hearing. We will attempt to negotiate a favorable settlement so you can avoid time-consuming administrative hearings. If a hearing is unavoidable, our attorneys can provide you with a well-prepared defense aimed at obtaining a decision that allows you to continue practicing in your profession.