Firm founder John A. “Jay” Abom and Senior Associate Attorney Brian P. Platt were recently appointed to the United States Criminal Justice Act Panel.

As panel attorneys, they represent indigent federal criminal defendants before the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania and the Federal Third Circuit Court of Appeals.
This begins Attorney Abom’s twentieth year as a panel attorney. He was first appointed in 2001. It is the first appointment for Attorney Platt.

Senior Associate Attorneys Craig E. Kauzlarich and Stephanie L. Cesare were previously appointed and also serve as Criminal Justice Act Panel attorneys for the Middle District of Pennsylvania and the Federal Third Circuit Court of Appeals.
Among other qualifications, panel attorneys must be up-to-date on federal defense law developments, versed in electronic discovery methods, and meet ongoing training requirements under the Criminal Justice Act enacted in 1964. Panel appointments are for three years.